The Loudoun Crime Commission consists of an all-volunteer, citizen Chairman and Board of Directors and a membership body.  


Our primary function is to bring together citizens, law enforcement, community leaders and others to better know each other, express interests, concerns and discuss solutions to understand and improve policing as it pertains to fighting crime in Loudoun County, VA.


Our main effort to achieve this is through our monthly speaker luncheons where we bring in high quality experts, authors and others with unique perspectives on anti-crime, terrorism, drugs, gangs and other law enforcement and crime related topics.  These events help to educate the public and law enforcement and frequently encourage thoughtful questions and expand connections within the community.


The Chairman and Directors are pleased you are here and interested in our community and our work.  You are invited to join us at our monthly luncheons, and hope you will become a frequent guest or join and support us as a member.


The cost of membership is small, the feeling is great!  Remember, we believe that:  “Fighting crime is every citizen’s business!”


The Loudoun Crime Commission Board of Directors:


Frank Holtz - Chairman 

Patrick Daly - Secretary

John Steigerwald - Treasurer                    

Michael Orsinger -  Director

Jeffrey Phillips - Director                   

Brad Romanoff - Director                                                                            Rich Claar - Past Chairman

Frankie Rust - Director                                                                                Steven Collins - Past Chairman

Dan Wright - Director                                                                                   Lloyd Reese - Past Chairman                                     








c/o 891-A Harrison St SE Leesburg, Virginia  20175
